Schumann Op 41 No 3 LIVE at Wilton’s

Posted on March 20th, 2010 by

Robert Schumann

 A Major String Quartet Op 41 No 3 (Summer 1842)

Kreutzer Quartet (PSS, Mihailo Trandafilovski, Morgan Goff, Neil Heyde)

Monday March 18th Wilton’s Music Hall

Recording courtesy of: Colin Still (Optic Nerve )

Op 41 3 Finale

Joseph Joachim To Clara Schumann , [HANOVER, middle of December 1858]- Sometimes, on very rare evenings certainly, performances take place under a peculiarly lucky star ; that happened then. I have never played in Quartettes before the public so unconstrainedly and with such feeling ; I was not in the hall at all, but particularly during Schumann’s Quartette, face to face with the composer, and when we played the Variations I felt that I should like to penetrate to his very heart : the way the rich, lovely theme is woven in and out is so delightful. Those who played with me seemed to be feeling just the same, and it was this  feeling that spoke to the heart of the public

Mihailo and Neil at Wiltons. Photo: Richard Bram