Malmö project-update November 2011

Posted on May 8th, 2011 by


Mihailo, Morgan and Neil discuss a point of detail in one of the new works

Workshop at MHM. The Quartet in discussion with students and composer Luca Francesconi 14 November 2011

NOVEMBER 12-13-14-15 -Kreutzer Quartet at Conenct Festival

12th November 2011 Pre-workship session in the Caroli Kirke:We arrived in Malmo today to meet with the wonderful group of composers who have contributed to this project. Today was not the workshop  itself, but an opportunity to open the door to the exploring the wonderful set of pieces that has emerged over the past year’s project. Today we worked with Christos Farmakis, Sebastian Ingvarsson, David Riebe, Simon Sofelde. Torkel Ronnblad, Mantas Savickis, Robert Arnborg, Per Egland, Josefe Soreke. Every piece is full of individuality, personality, and a huge range of ideas, but the real work will happen on Monday’s workshop at the Music Academy. Many thanks to Rolf Martinsson, Staffan Storm, Kent Olofsson, Luca Francesconi for all the idealism and work that they have poured into this inspiring project for us!

Workshop with Christos Farmikis 12 11 2011

Neil Heyde with Simon Sofelde


This marks the final workshop before the quartet arrive with me in November for CONNECT Festival 2011. Today I workshoppped developing and sketch works by David Riebe, Simon Söfelde, Robert Arnborg, Jonatan Sersam, Alessandro Perini, Per Egland, Josef Söreke, Martina Tomer, Torkel Rönneblad, and Sebastian Ingvarsson. A fantastic range of ideas, language, colours and invention. Also worked further with Ansgar Beste (now doing a PHD in Oslo) on his ‘Dialogues Fragiles’.

Thursday 5th May 15.30-17.00 in Liljeforssalen, Malmö Academy of Music, Ystadvägen 25, Malmö
Workshop workshop concertperforming student pieces among others –  new works by David Riebe, Antonio Macaretti, Olle Abrahamson, Jonatan Sersam, Ansgar Beste and Martina Tomner.

Workshop May 5th Malmö Music Academy. Lund University, Malmö, Sweden

This was the third collaboration which I have made with the Music Academy this year. What began as a deliberately goal-less encounter with composers at the school has matured into an exciting collaboration, driven by the visions of the young composers studying at the school, under the enlightened benevolence of composer Rolf Martinsson.

Yesterday, the session was divided into two parts. To begin with, I worked with 5 composers on new works that they had written especially for the project. These were all extremely distinctive, exploring particular questions of colour, timbre, structure, counterpoint, dramaturgy and meaning. The technical processes ranged from ‘conventional’ modernist string writing, through ‘extended techniques’, a work for prepared violin, and culminated with a piece of music theatre, based on Ovid, for speaking (male!) violinist.  After the class, I presented the new works, alongside Bach, David Gorton and Locatelli, in a concert setting.

In the course of the day, I also worked with young composers on two new String Quartets, which are being developed for the Kreutzer Quartet residency at CONNECT Festival in the autumn. As well as the students from the Malmö Academy, I was joined by young composers from other cities in Sweden and Denmark, who are also now joining this project.

Peter Sheppard Skærved, Copenhagen 6th April 2011

Some of the composers and musicians from the Malmo Music Hich School. Collaborative Workshop, Thursday 20th January.

'Diagogue Fragile' by Ansgar Beste, which PSS will premiere in Malmo 5 5 11

Thursday 30th September 1300-17.00 Malmö Academy of Music, Ystadvägen 25, Malmö