Paul Osterfield-2 Caprices live in London

Posted on September 11th, 2011 by

Paul Osterfield-2 Caprices live in London


Paul Osterfield-virtuoso composer


On the 9th September, I played two of Paul’s wonderful new caprices as part of my ONLY CONNECT concert at the National Portrait Gallery, London. The whole concert was framed by text concerning Niccolo Paganini’s visits to London in the 1830’s. Here they are, wild and life-immediate hits with a delighted audience!

Paul Osterfield-2 Caprices LIVE National Portrait Gallery London 9 9 11 (with text concerning Paganini)

 Next opportunity to hear Paul’s Caprices live-differeent  ones. Monday 19th September. Ingram Auditorium, Blair School of Music, Nashville, Tennessee, with works by Michael Alec Rose, Elliott Schwartz, Sadie Harrison, David Gorton, Paganini, and Biber. ADMISSION FREE

For more on this project click CAPRICES