Torelli, a prelude for Anne Finch

Posted on July 18th, 2012 by

Torelli, a prelude for Anne Finch

Josefo Torelli (? – 1708) – Prelude & Anne Finch (1661- 1720) – ‘A Sigh’ 

Peter Sheppard Skaerved- Violin and Text (Wapping July 18th 2012)

Composer and writer, Michael Alec Rose notes (July 19th 2012: The sense of beginnings is very strong: Phillips’s new world of words, Signor Torelli’s new world of tonal rhetoric (that sequence in the seconda parte sounding so awkward from the perspective of Bach, or even Corelli), Finch’s new world of sensibility, taking a woman’s part a full century and a half before Dickinson or Barrett Browning (“Every Nymph may read thee — Here.”).

The poet, Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

Josefo Torelli